First 30 Days In Your New Job: Dos And Don’ts

Your first 30 days in your new job can be a nerve-racking experience but are also equally important because they have the power to either paint the right or wrong impression about your new employer and yourself. 

A number of things might be new to you – it is a new environment, new customers, new jargon and sometimes the processes are not familiar too, however, there are numerous ways that you can go about this.  


Dos And Don’ts In Your First 30 Days

Let’s look at a few things to set you up for success in your first 30 days and there on. 


Establish Your Priorities 

Identify your priorities. You can start with a simple to-do list for structure’s sake, this can be helpful in ensuring you are and stay on the right track. Avoid being all over the place, prioritise your tasks and everything work-related.  


Create A Workflow/Routine

Creating a workflow/routine is important as it fosters productivity and allows you to work efficiently and effectively. Failure to have routine results into ‘busy mode’, which most times hinders productivity. Aim for productivity over busy, not having a structure in place is likely to affect your productivity. 


Get To Know Your Team

Getting to know your team is key. You should engage with them and observe how they work, their personalities, what works for them and how you can work with them. Don’t seclude yourself from the team, rather get to know them – they’ve been with the company longer than you so capitalise on what you can learn from them.  


Ask Questions

If you’re in doubt, ask. Ask your colleagues to fast-track you on how things work. It also shows your willingness to learn. Write down the questions and then either raise them in the moment or during a one-on-one meeting with your manager or supervisor. Some questions may not necessarily need your manager’s input, you can speak to your colleagues. 


Learn About The Organisation

Immerse yourself in what the company you’re working for is about and what they stand for –  from their company culture, customers, goals, values and how everything works. Act like a sponge and absorb as much as you can. 


Understand Your Deliverables And Performance Expectations

You need to be aware of your KPI expectations, how performance is measured within the organisation and then draw up a plan on how you intend to meet your KPI’s, whatever your strategy is, use it to work smart to accomplish your tasks.   

Final Thoughts On The First 30 Days In Your New Job

Remain observant and always be willing to learn. Keep challenging yourself, take ownership of your new role and remember, being open-minded goes a long way; try it and thrive in your new work environment. 


How were your first 30 days in your new job? We would like to hear from you in the comment section.

10 Questions Not To Ask Candidates In An Interview

Asking candidates the right questions in an interview is essential because it helps you the employer to identify whether the candidate’s behaviour, experience and skills match what is required for the job. However, some employers tend to use the interview time asking obnoxious questions that are not helpful – the type of questions that probe the candidate to go over and above to prove themselves to impress the employer, making the employer appear superior.

Asking appropriate questions not only allows you to weigh in on whether the candidate fits the job description and your company culture but also enables you to select the most suitable candidate, which in turn creates higher chances of understanding if the prospective candidate will excel in your company.


10 Questions You Should Avoid Asking Candidates

Here are 10 questions you should avoid asking candidates in an interview.

1. Where do you see yourself in five years?  

This question creates a biased view that if they don’t have five year-plan, they’re not serious enough or it could cost them the job opportunity. Goals can be affected by change, the best way would be to ask how the role they’re applying for fits into their career goals.

2. What are your weaknesses?

This can affect the candidate’s focus in hopes of finding the perfect way to convey their weaknesses to you. Instead, ask them when they identified an opportunity to improve, and the result from that.

3. Out of all the candidates who applied for this position, why should we hire you?

Granted all applicants are vying for the vacant position, it is not the job seeker’s role to decide why you should hire them; it is your role to ensure they match what you’re looking for.

4. What would your previous employer say about you?

Employees who are true to themselves focus on doing their job and delivering results as opposed to pleasing their employer. 

5. How many sick days leave did you take in your previous job?

Questions relating to health, sickness, etc, should be avoided unless the job specifically requires the candidate’s health status.

6. What is your political affiliation?

Political preferences should be off bounds.

7. What religion do you belong to?

Just like political preferences, questions relating to religious affiliation should be avoided.

8. Are you a team player?

Do you expect the candidate to say no?  Instead, ask them how they would acquaint themselves with a team that has been working together for a long time.

9. What did you hate about your previous job?

This sounds like a good question but it sets up the candidate to be negative about their former employer and it’s not helpful in filling your vacant position.

10. Are you affiliated to a union?

Workers have a right to be part of a union, and as an employer, you shouldn’t ask this question.

Final Thoughts On Questions Not To Ask Candidates In An Interview

The interview is a fundamental factor of the hiring process, however, conducting it effectively is not an easy task as it may sound; that’s why knowing what to ask and not to ask during an interview is imperative. Your talent acquisition strategy should entail a detailed interview questions framework. 

Remember candidates are also interviewing you, hence, there are questions you need to stay clear off by ensuring your questions focus on the actual job and skills required for it.


How do you decide the type of questions to ask candidates in an interview? We would like to hear from you in the comment section.

Preparation: How To Get The Best Out Of A Job Interview

Interview preparation is a critical component of a job-seeking process that can affect your success rate. You could meet all the requirements stipulated on paper and still fail to put your best foot forward at the interview because you did not prepare. Failure to prepare will not only cost you that dream job but also reflects badly on you as a candidate.

Preparation is the process of assembling different factors for a particular reason in anticipation of an event, in this case, the interview. Each time you need to go through an interview process, you should prepare  mentally, psychologically, physically etc to ensure you are in a conducive state to do the interview effectively.

Tips On How To Get The Best Out Of The Interview

Getting invited for an interview means your CV left a good impression on the employer but that’s not all; the interview process can be a nerve-wracking experience and thorough preparation is the best start if you want to get the best out of a job interview.

Some candidates fail the interview not because they lack expertise for the role but simply because they did not prepare or they don’t prepare properly. The best thing you can do before a job interview is to prepare extensively. Preparing for a job interview can be done in numerous ways. Let’s explore some useful tips to ensure you get the best out of your interview.

Research About The Company

Visit the company’s website and read about them, from their mission, vision, values, their clients, products etc. If they don’t have a website, check if they have social media pages. Find out as much as you can about them, even through word of mouth. Having more information at your disposal is imperative, it shows that you’re interested and invested in the company but most importantly, helps you to understand the company and how you can fit in.

Read And Understand The Job Description Thoroughly

Understanding what the job entails will help you  answer questions thoughtfully. For instance, you can develop what-if scenarios around the role that the interviewer is likely to ask.  The more you understand what’s required of you, the easier it will be to customize your answers.

Get Ready Ahead Of Time

Stay away from doing things last minute that could affect how you present yourself at the interview and mess with your train of thought. Ensure your interview attire is presentable and appropriate for the company interviewing you.  

Arrive Before The Scheduled Time

Time management is fundamental. It advisable to show up before time, like 10 – 15 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. If you’re not familiar with the location of the interview, try to be 20 – 30 minutes early to avoid being late. Late-coming not only reflects negatively on you to the employer but can also distract you to the extent where you find yourself panicking and worrying. Give yourself some extra time to warm up for the interview so that your preparation time is not in vain.  

Try To Stay Calm

Try to relax and stay calm as possible. Being relaxed and calm allows you to answer questions in a compelling thoughtful manner while you remain engaged throughout the interview. Be mindful of your body language when answering questions, it says a lot about what you’re saying to the interviewer, mind your posture, sit upright and avoid slouching, maintain eye contact. Listen attentively and avoid interrupting the interviewer by all means.

Final Thoughts On Preparing For A Job Interview

Preparation is key and will help you exude confidence during the interview. It’s best to be over prepared than underprepared. Follow your preparations through and make that interview count.


How do you prepare for a job interview? Share with us in the comment section below.

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